ecochallenge platform: premium access
Discover how Premium Access to the Ecochallenge Platform can elevate and spotlight your organization's sustainability efforts. Explore Premium Access levels and benefits below.
Discover how Premium Access to the Ecochallenge Platform can elevate and spotlight your organization's sustainability efforts. Explore Premium Access levels and benefits below.
Premium Access to the Ecochallenge Platform gives you the features and support to ensure your participation is a total success; the data to uncover new insights; and the power to better tell your story.
Each organization can select up to two Organization Captains who will have access to edit all team profiles and message any or all teams and their members who are associated with the organization. Additionally, all team members will have access to sort the impact and feed pages by their respective teams as well as the entire organization.
Team Captains will receive access to the following premium data reports for their individual team and all teams across the organization.
Organization leaders will receive a detailed impact summary for their teams and/or organization highlighting event activity, collective impact, reflections from participants, and success stories.
Team Captains can access premium engagement support from Ecochallenge staff.
Discounts available for nonprofits and educational institutions. Contact Liz Zavodsky at for more details.