Our People's Ecochallenge 2019 was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported this Ecochallenge. Your 21 days of action created so much collective impact and has made the world a way better place.
Please have a look at all that we accomplished...
Total Participants
Total Teams
Total Actions Selected
Total Actions Completed
Top 5 Most Popular High-Impact Actions
Reduce Single-Use Disposables 755
Research Impact Investing 513
Learn about Local Environmental Issues 486
Zero-Waste Cooking 445
Plant Trees 372
Top 5 Most Popular Actions
Use a Reusable Waterbottle 2,200
Use Reusable Bags 2,050
Use a Reusable Mug 1,953
Exercise Daily 1,698
Skip the Straw 1,509
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