Dear Ecochallenge.org Community,
As we close our fourth-consecutive year of record impact and participation, there are some important updates I would like to share with you as we enter 2020, a pivotal year of change.
First, we recently launched our new website and brand as Ecochallenge.org, as you can see. It's been several years in the making, and we are so thrilled to share a new identity that matches the spirit of our work and global reach. Please enjoy, and let us know what you think!
Second, our Executive Director of four years, David Macek, has decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio this fall with his wife and daughter to be closer to family. He will be greatly missed, and his tenure will be remembered as a time of unprecedented expansion for our programs and impact. Since 2016, program participation has increased six-fold to over 60,000 people this year, and the Ecochallenge Platform has been internationally recognized as an innovative tool for putting sustainability solutions into action.
After a thorough review of options, the board has unanimously decided to promote senior staff member of 8+ years, Liz Zavodsky, into the Executive Director role in January. We are delighted that she will be leading the way into our bright future!
Our detailed transition plan also includes a new position to support our ambitious future goals. Please explore the search announcement of Product Lead for the Ecochallenge Platform. This role is a major milestone in the advancement of our fast-growing digital program. It will serve as a cornerstone of expertise for ensuring that Ecochallenge Platform keeps pace with its demand as a preeminent tool for taking meaningful and measurable collective action.
As we look to 2020, we are eager for the year ahead and all its wonder, including the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. We are working on a program lineup that meets the magnitude of the moment, so please stay tuned for announcements and follow us online to see how you can get involved in connecting the dots between our actions and collective impact to create more environmental and social good.
Thank you for being a valued member of our community.
Linda Gerber
Board Chair, Ecochallenge.org

we write our emails to you with a lot of care and intention.
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