“This was an awesome platform and transformative learning experience!!!”
— Andrea

presenting sponsors

Total Participants
across 68 countries and 53 states/regions
with 77% as first-time participants

Total Teams

Total Actions Completed

Total Reflections Shared

Some of the Top Actions
Support Businesses Owned by Women, BIPOC, and Immigrants
Research Barriers to Participation and Representation
Learn about the Need for Family Planning
Building with Carbon Storing Waste Products
Forest-Friendly Foods

Participant Engagement
Average # of daily check-ins: 9
One-time action success rate: 41%
Daily action success rate: 31%

Earth Month Ecochallenge: Drawdown is a solutions-oriented engagement program in partnership with Project Drawdown, a research-based organization leading the efforts to map, measure, model, and describe existing, amazing solutions to climate change.
This year from April 1 - April 30, 2021, Ecochallengers took action on 80 of the most substantive global solutions through 100 actions within eight challenge categories. Earth Month Ecochallenge provided tools and inspiration to turn intention into action over 30 days, and gave participants a fun and social way to think about and act on proven solutions to reverse climate change.
reflections & inspiration from ecochallengers
"When we were in our corporate space, I always signed up to participate in our Earth Day activities. So, when the Ecochallenge was announced, I assumed it would be similar. Oh my, this is much more interpersonal and interactive than I could have imagined. Plus, friendly competition is good for the soul and for the Earth."
— Robin
"I am excited to see this challenge start again. Each time I participate, I learn more things about how I can make a difference every day. There are indeed so many big and little things that we can do, and when done together, make a HUGE difference!"
— Jamie
"I learned about some cool initiatives some cities are undertaking to improve infrastructure such as installing LED street lighting. I also learned about the use of refrigerants in buildings that are GHGs. There's more than just retrofits that can be done to improve a building to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable."
— Fatema
"This challenge is going by too fast. I feel I have made some really positive changes that I will continue after it ends."
— Janet
"This was an extremely rewarding challenge that further opened my eyes to the actions and solutions that are available to all of us, that will help contribute to a more sustainable community and world. It shows that taking even a few minutes out of your day to educate yourself and others can really have a lasting impact."
— Lauren
"I'm glad to be jumping on this Ecochallenge! I'm sad to be joining a little late, but there are so many challenges that I was happy to see that I already do, with more to expand on!"
— Shea
"I have found a wealth of information in this challenge for my daily work and for teaching!"
— Wendy
"This challenge has been a great learning experiment. I also love that it fostered friendly competition and engagement among our group. I learned a lot that I plan to continue doing going forward. Sorry to see it come to a close."
— Carla
"This has been a fun journey and I am more aware of all the ways I can reduce my Carbon Footprint! I will definitely try and keep up my targets."
— Margo
"Excellent activity, it allowed me to review my habits, learn about sustainability and share with people, raise awareness that we must take care of our planet."
— Héctor
"I chose a lot of one time actions because I have such a busy work life that it can be hard to do daily challenges. I will admit that I haven't been on top of everything, but I am proud to say that I've been much more consistently conscious about my daily eating habits. So much so that I have started eating fully vegetarian/mostly vegan! I have also been walking a lot more for exercise and appreciation of the environment around me. I switched out coffee for green tea, and I'm feeling very good about it! The one time challenges have helped me find more resources and learn about things I didn't even know about. Looking into better fashion practices, researching heat pumps, and methane digesters were all new to me."
— Natalie
"I enjoyed the Earth Month Ecochallenge. It has stretched me and challenged me to do better and be more intentional on all aspects of how I live and what I am contributing to making the world a better place — more clean, more sustainable and more beautiful for the generations to come."
— Keisha

our amazing collective impact added up!

new action tracks made it easy
to find ways to meet our world's greatest challenges

accelerating solutions
offered Ecochallengers new means to remove barriers and scale the implementation and expansion of climate change solutions. Actions included:
- support local food systems
- choose renewable energy
- spread the word about energy alternatives
- support businesses owned by women, BIPOC, or immigrants
- give a microloan
- support indigenous peoples' land management
- advocate for wetlands protection
- and more.

climate resilience
provided ways to invest in the tools, skills, and infrastructure needed to build long-term community resilience in the face of climate change. Actions included:
- advocate for forest protection
- plant trees
- support equitable biking infrastructure
- advocate for solar installation
- research and advocate for high-speed rail
- support a community garden
- learn about silvopasture
- and more.
keep learning. keep taking action.
keep creating a better shared future with us.

Start a discussion about Peace, Justice, and Sustainability
Dive deeper with our discussion course and Ecochallenge, Seeing Systems.
Read an excerpt Read an excerpt
Start a discussion about how to live your life a different way
Connect your values and actions to the bigger picture and make real change in your life, your community, and the world.
Read an excerpt Read an excerpt
we write our emails to you with a lot of care and intention.
sign up to know about upcoming ecochallenges, impacts and insights, sustainability resources, and inspiration.