Bank of America has committed $125 billion in financing by 2025 to address climate change and demands on natural resources through its support of clients around the globe. This includes lending, investing, capital raising, advisory services and developing financing solutions. It is also addressing climate change directly in its operations by reducing its operational impact through aggressive goals for greenhouse gas emissions, water, and paper. Additionally, it has committed to become carbon neutral and purchase 100% renewable electricity by 2020.
Bank of America also continues to work with its employees and partners to inspire environmentally responsible actions each day. As part of its environmental business initiative, the company’s My Environment® program educates employees on how they can act as better environmental stewards at work, at home, and in the community. The My Environment employee program has more than 19,000 members in 31 countries around the globe, and these employees are actively doing their part to create a positive environmental impact through volunteerism and participating in environmental education programs.
My Environment & NWEI

*Note: Estimates tabulated by the Northwest Earth Institute
In 2016, the bank’s employees participated in an Ecochallenge, teaming up with Northwest Earth Institute. Thousands of employees stepped up and committed to one new positive action to improve the environment. The results demonstrated how individual actions can add up to powerful collective impact. During the two-week challenge, more than 3,200 employees around the globe saved more than 109,300 gallons of water, equivalent to five swimming pools; eliminated more than 10,769 disposable cups from landfills; avoided nearly 400 pounds of food waste from entering the landfills; and replaced 1,245 bulbs, saving over $17,000 in energy costs.
Discussion Courses
To help educate employees about what they can do in their daily lives to become more environmentally conscious and help the transition to a lower-carbon future, Bank of America partners with the Northwest Earth Institute (NWEI) to develop virtual “Choices for Sustainable Living” discussion courses. The course’s seven sessions run approximately one hour, and the topics include: consumption, food, transportation, and more. For each course, a set of slides helps facilitate the conversation about the relevant chapter topic and participants engage verbally, via polling questions, and on whiteboards.
Among the employees who have participated in “Choices for Sustainable Living,” 97% of respondents said the course made a difference in their life, and 100% were satisfied with the course. More than 1,800 employees have registered for the courses to date and have shared the following feedback:
“I absolutely loved this course! Thank you so much for providing this opportunity. I am truly grateful for all that I have learned.”
“The fact that the bank offers this course increases my pride in working for Bank of America.”
“I’ve always considered myself to be a person that makes responsible decisions, but these virtual discussions gave me a new perspective.”
To learn more about Bank of America’s environmental efforts, please visit bankofamerica.com/environment.